+91 79730-22778

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Legal Compliance


  • English Maestro reserves the trademark of the name and is officially registered as an MSME under the Government of India.
  • All the content and material (including images) shared on the website or through classes is the sole copyright of the company ENGLISH MAESTRO.
  • Data privacy - No personal data is taken or shared by the company either of the students or the staff.
  • English maestro aims to provide secure classes to all the students, and hence no any kind of inappropriate behavior (including abusive language, abusive behavior, sexual language and behavior, and similar actions) shall be tolerated. Any person found doing this shall be permanently dismissed from the classes, with no future provisions and no fee refund. Also, such kinds of cases will be dealt with legally.
  • English Maestro does not promote any intoxicating substance, political issues, religious differences, or any other illegal activities.
  • English Maestro is purely an ed-tech, that is, there are no offline classes provided by the company till date.


  • Refund: An enrolled member can apply for 50% refund of the fee within 15 days of registration and submission, in case of not attending more than 5 classes within that period. 
  • If a person has conducted more than 5 classes, no refund is applicable.
  • Beyond 15 days of fee submission, no refund is applicable.
  • The classes missed can be compensated only till 1 month after completing the course.
  • Absence/Leave: No classes shall be compensated for uninformed absences. If informed, absence shall be marked as a leave, and a person can avail up to 5 leaves a month for which classes shall be compensated.
  • Emergencies: In case of health emergency or any other urgent circumstances, the reason shall be clearly communicated by the person at the earliest.
  • If a person is not able to take classes immediately after submitting the fee, they can avail the classes within the next 3 months. Beyond 3 months, no kind of compensation either for fee or classes shall be done.
  • In case of dismissal on the basis of Clause 4 in privacy policy, no refunds or compensations shall be done.