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Spoken English

Improve Your Spoken English - Master the Basics & Enhance Your Communication

Course Highlights


Entry-Level English Speaking Course

In our English Speaking course, we guide non native speakers in improving their speaking skills. The course covers diverse topics, encouraging participants to engage in interactive exercises, group discussions, and real-world scenarios. Facilitated by experienced language professionals, this beginner-friendly course provides personalized feedback and support. Learn more about the course with diverse topics mentioned below.

  • It improves pronunciation and stress patterns
  • Helps in vocabulary enrichment
  • Improves fundamental grammar and sentence structure
  • Enhances conversational and listening proficiency
  • Improves grasp of idiomatic expressions
  • Helps in social interaction finesse
  • Enhances self-presentation skills
  • Improves description mastery
  • Enhances direction giving and comprehension

Advance-Level English Speaking Course

This Advanced English Speaking course is tailored for non-native speakers looking to elevate their language skills. Designed for individuals with a solid foundation in the language, it focuses on enhancing fluency, pronunciation, and speaking confidence. Covering various topics the course allows participants to practice through interactive exercises and real-world scenarios. It is best suited for intermediate or advanced level learners, it provides a challenging yet supportive environment for refining English proficiency. Learn more about the course with diverse topics mentioned below.

  • It enhances mastery of advanced grammar and sentence structures
  • Builds fluency and confidence
  • Expands vocabulary and idiomatic expressions
  • Refines pronunciation and intonation
  • Develops public speaking and presentation skills
  • Enhances listening comprehension
  • Cultivates debate and discussion skills
  • Polishes social interactions and networking abilities
  • Sharpens the ability to describe complex ideas and situations
  • Improves proficiency in giving and understanding advanced directions

Spoken English Course FAQs

The course is suitable for non-native speakers of English who want to improve their speaking skills.

The duration of the course varies, depending on the program. For instance, the basic course goes on for 2 months while the advanced course is extendable.

The course will cover a wide range of topics such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, conversation skills, listening skills and idiomatic expressions.

Yes, throughout the course, participants will have the opportunity to practice their speaking skills and receive feedback from the instructor.

Yes, everything required will be provided in PDF or PPT format.

Yes, after completion of any course, you get a Certificate of Completion.